

Use Clean Energy: Off-Grid Solar System

Use Clean Energy: Off-Grid Solar System

  • 2021-10-27
Off-grid systems, also known as stand-alone photovoltaic systems, have proven to be a good alternative to remote areas, because connecting to the public grid in these places is a costly or impractical task. Since the system is not connected to the grid, batteries play an important role in energy storage.

"A consumer survey report from the non-governmental organization World Resources International (WRI) shows that consumer experience when using solar roof connections shows that there is a lack of clear information on various aspects, such as solar panels and battery quality. Knowledge, availability of reliable suppliers, installation and approval processes, and misinformation about mortgages to banks to obtain loans are one of the main reasons for the slow development of the residential rooftop solar industry"

How does the off-grid solar system work?
The working principle of the off-grid solar photovoltaic system is the basic photovoltaic principle. When solar radiation is incident on the solar panel, it will generate energy in the form of direct current (DC).
The generated DC energy is fed to the charging controller, which regulates the charging flow and provides regulated power to the battery. To supply power at night or on non-sunny days, batteries play an important role.
On sunny days, when solar panels operate efficiently and generate enough power to meet the load and charge the battery, the excess energy is stored in the battery and recovered when needed later.
With the help of inverters, DC energy from solar panels or batteries is converted to alternating current (AC) energy (because most electrical appliances in residential/commercial buildings use AC power)
This converted AC energy is provided to the connected load with the help of wiring.

Although the government provides 30% of capital subsidies (70% to special categories of states), the residential application of rooftop solar energy has not yet seen the light.

There are many reasons for this situation-

The information needs about solar panels and their benefits are:
Subsidies need to be paid on time
Lack of awareness of available financing options and convenient transportation
Effective spread
Translated into regional languages
Lack of timely approval of net metering applications

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